Douglas IA A105 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps

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产品编号 IA A105
生产厂家 Douglas

Description: IA A105 ( Douglas )

Douglas IA A105 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps

Product Name: Douglas IA A105 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps
Product Brand: Douglas
Product Code: IA A105
Product Artikel: Douglas IA A105 Inverted Bucket Steam Traps
INVERTED BUCKET This trap uses an inverted bucket that floats whean steam is present and sinks when condensate exceeds a predetermined liquid level.When the bucket floats the valve – at the top of the trap – is closed . When it sinks the valve will open. On start up the bucket is down end the valve is wide open , when condensate and air enters the trap it flows directly into the bucket…The condensate falls into the trap body whereas air collects at the top of the bucket and causes it to float thereby closing the valve. Air is released through a vent at the top of the bucket and collects in the top of the trap until the bucket sinks opening the valve and allows the discharge of air and condensate. When steam is formed , it collects in the top of the bucket causing it to float thereby closing the valve. The bucket will sink again when condensate reaches the predeterminated level and the cycle starts over. MAIN FEATURES Discharge of condensate at steam temperature. Simple and reliable construction. Slow discharge of air. Suitable for superheated steam. It whith stands waterhammer. APPLICATIONS  Heater batteries  Heat exchangers  Pans  Turbines  Drying cilinders  Ironing machines

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