VISHAY BLH U3SB-B Stainless Steel S-Type Load Cells


Номер продукта: U3SB-B
Продюсер: VISHAY BLH
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆ (4.8)
Rating Count: 2434

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Datasheets for VISHAY BLH U3SB-B Stainless Steel S-Type Load Cells

Description for VISHAY BLH U3SB-B Stainless Steel S-Type Load Cells

U3SB-B S-Type Load Cells quickly and cost-effectively convert any tank, bin, or hopper into a weighing scale system.The compact size of the U3SB-B makes it ideal for applications where space is at a premium. These stainless steel units stand up to washdown, rain, and other environmental challenges typically found in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. The U3SB-B is available in sixteen capacities from 50 to 20K pounds. Each cell has a 20-foot, four conductor cable for maximum flexibility in mounting and positioning.

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