VISHAY BLH TankMount Load Cell Weigh Modules

VISHAY, BLH, VISHAY BLH, TankMount, VISHAY TankMount, BLH TankMount, VISHAY BLH TankMount
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Description: TankMount ( VISHAY BLH )

VISHAY BLH TankMount Load Cell Weigh Modules

Product Name: VISHAY BLH TankMount Load Cell Weigh Modules
Product Brand: VISHAY BLH
Product Code: TankMount
Product Artikel: VISHAY BLH TankMount Load Cell Weigh Modules
Tank Mount Weigh Modules are well suited for general industrial applications that require retroitting an existing structure or hopper into a scale. Tank Mount uses a stainless steel beam transducer coupled with semiloating mounting hardware. Correctly radially installed weigh modules result in a checkless system that is able to handle moderate degrees of thermal expansion and contraction. Tank Mount weight modules come in capacity ranges of 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 kg with plated steel hardware as a standard, optionally in stainless steel. Load beam sealing meets IP68 and IP69K requirements.

VISHAY BLH TankMount Load Cell Weigh Modules

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