Dropsa 0623190 Distributor

Dropsa, 0623190, Dropsa 0623190, , Dropsa , 0623190 , Dropsa 0623190 , Distributor, Dropsa Distributor
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Product number 0623190 Distributor
Producer Dropsa

Description: 0623190 Distributor ( Dropsa )

Dropsa 0623190 Distributor

Product Name: Dropsa 0623190 Distributor
Product Brand: Dropsa
Product Code: 0623190 Distributor
Product Artikel: Dropsa 0623190 Distributor
-Temperature range: -30 to +80oC - Max. pressure (inlet): 400 bar (5800 psi.) - Cycles: 100/min. - Min. Viscosity: 100 cSt (462 SSU) - Grease Max.: 265 ASTM (NLGI 2) - Connections: - Inlet: 3/8Inch - Outlet: 1/4Inch

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