Greisinger EBB Switching Module

Greisinger, EBB, Greisinger EBB, Switching, Greisinger Switching, EBB Switching, Greisinger EBB Switching
Produkte die mit A beginnen:
Produktnummer EBB
Hersteller Greisinger

Description: EBB ( Greisinger )

Greisinger EBB Switching Module

Product Name: Greisinger EBB Switching Module
Product Brand: Greisinger
Product Code: EBB
Product Artikel: Greisinger EBB Switching Module
Design types: EBB 2 OUT / BP EBB 4 OUT / BP EBB 2 OUT / 12V EBB 4 OUT / 12V The EBB .. OUT / .. is used for decentralized control and regulating systems. The switching module serves the control of relays by means of EASYBus. The 2 / 4 relays are controlled via alarm monitor module or via the PC software EASYControl net. The module is available in design type BP (bus powered) which doesn't need a separate power supply or in type 12V (12 V DC power supply). 

Produktvorschläge Greisinger